The History of Modern-Day Fonts

The History of Modern-Day Fonts

The History of Modern-Day Fonts Fonts have been around for as long as we’ve had printing presses, but the advent of desktop publishing brought changes to the world of fonts. With the creation of PostScript Type 1, Adobe became the granddaddy of modern-day fonts....
Trigger Words That Are Sure to Send Your Email to Spam

Trigger Words That Are Sure to Send Your Email to Spam

In average, emails have a 30% open rate. Which means that every 10 emails sent, only three are opened by the receiver. Not only that, but out of those three opened emails, only 6% to 8% get clicks and interaction. At this rate, it’s easy to see why a recipient...
Why Does Email Go to Spam? The 4 Things you should know

Why Does Email Go to Spam? The 4 Things you should know

Are your emails getting marked as spam?  Let’s start sharing the fact that 85% of emails received will go to the inbox. The other 15% will go to spam. It’s important to also know that spam filters do not guarantee precise analysis. Thus, legit emails could...
What Should You Blog About?

What Should You Blog About?

I’m sure you have imagined yourself writing a blog post that would go viral. You are careful with your topics, your word choices, and your sentences because you are certain that writing the best article will be your claim to fame. Unfortunately, your imagined...
What’s the Point of a Blog Post Anyway?

What’s the Point of a Blog Post Anyway?

Our clients and friends often ask us about the value of blogs. “Do people even blog anymore?” “Is there a point in blogging?” Our answer is always yes! Blogging has grown from a medium where people talk about their everyday lives to a platform that entrepreneurs...