
LinkedIn is a popular site with more than 800 million users from around 200 countries around the globe. With such heavy traffic, attracting your network is not enough anymore. Instead, you need to be more creative with your words to stick to their memory.

Here are the top 4 tips for creating an attractive and engaging LinkedIn post.

Let’s get going!

What Not to Do When Posting on LinkedIn?
Before unfolding the treasure to create an engaging post on LinkedIn, let’s first understand what not to do.

Avoid adding external links to your content. Even a single link can damage your reach.
Don’t write a post with less than six lines.

Tips for an Engaging LinkedIn Post

Add Visuals
There are two types of visuals you can use on a LinkedIn post,

Both have their significance in making the post attractive to people. According to research, posts with 7-8 images are more likely to be seen by people.

However, in the case of emojis, you are free to choose the number of emojis if they are relevant.

Focus On Length and Formatting
People use the platform to gather knowledge by reading; hence keeping your post too short may negatively impact you.

The point to be noted here is that the LinkedIn algorithm does not calculate your worth through likes, comments, and shares only but focuses more on how many people click “See More” on your post. This is called Dwell time, meaning the amount of time people spend on your post on their screen.

The ideal length of a LinkedIn post is 1,900 to 2,000 words long, with the first five lines being most attractive, so more and more people click on “See More.” Ideally, you can target your audience’s pain points, in the beginning, to keep them hooked.
Create Quality Content
Being a regular publisher is essential on LinkedIn, but quality over quantity cannot be ignored. Be a smart user and only post when you have something useful to say.

Focus on creating content that engages, entertains, and adds value in the reader’s life, for instance, polling, the highlight of the latest research, or a video about some interesting facts.

Develop A Relationship With CTA
Having more and more people read your post is just the beginning. Once your content fully inspires your audience, you have a great opportunity to develop a healthy relationship with them to benefit later.

Make sure to thoughtfully add CTA at the end of every post.

Find The Correct Hashtags
Use a combination of long and short-tail keywords to help users find your post on a specific topic through hashtags.

Using trending hashtags in your field and work can increase your chances of landing on the feed of maximum users.

LinkedIn is a gem for people interested in serious business. Getting the attention of the right people at the right time is crucial, but once you accomplish that, you need them to stick around.

Using correct hashtags, visuals, CTA, and authenticity in your post can help you enjoy a long-term relationship with your audience.

If you are interested in improving your visibility, schedule a discovery call. We’ll be happy to show you some of the strategies we use.

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